Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Aroma-T’s Health and Wellness Community

March 7, 2017

Relaunch, Renew, Regenerate

Aroma-T’s Health and Wellness Community is back – bringing forth information that can help you live a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle for you, your loved ones, and pets. As a Wellness Educator is it my passion to help others become more aware of healthier choices for optimum health and well-being.

As a big supporter of a holistic and natural lifestyle, you will find here DIY recipes for skincare, personal care and household cleaning products. One thing I have learned during my journey since 2002, is that whatever we use in our home environment and for our personal care should be made with ingredients that we can consume. Being that our skin is the largest organ, whatever we put on it gets consumed within the cells of our internal system within 20 minutes. The same holds true for whatever we breathe – the molecules of whatever we inhale also is consumed within the cells of our internal system within 20 minutes. So this can explain why we may experience a headache or tingling sensation after using anything with toxic ingredients… or a rash or roughness develops on our skin. One thing that should be noted is that our skin is associated with our liver health, so by using products with toxic ingredients can also compromise your liver. The same holds true for breathing anything toxic, this will affect your brain health – so perhaps you may experience brain fog, non-clarity, remembering issues, or even getting anxious, over-excited, confusion or depression. Dr. Rima Laibow and the Environmental Working Group are two resources that give tons of information regarding toxic ingredients in products you use in the home, for yourself and your pets.

Environmental Working Group

Rima Laibow, MD

What we eat most definitely affects our lifestyle. Eating the way God has intended us to eat since the creation of man, has gone by the wayside. Fresh fruits, vegetables, even certain meats and fish are what we should be consuming, instead of fast food or microwaved food. There will be insights to this topic during the weeks ahead. Food that our ancestors ate before and during the days of our Lord, Jesus Christ while He lived among the people, will be shared. As well as scrumptious recipes with essential oils incorporated into them to ramp up the taste and healing qualities of each recipe. Food is the most healing therapy one can experience for optimum health and well-being. This was something that I learned during the beginning of my healing journey since 2002. Conventional food consumed by the population today is loaded with chemicals that can create chaos within the internal system. Sometimes food can be created out of non-edible sources and passed off as a consumable product, which is truly sad**. Plus with the push to feed our ever growing population, genetically-modified foods are commonplace today. Please note the references throughout this newsletter.

Genetically Modified Foods

Fake Foods Created for Consumption

Perhaps you can tell that this is food is one topic I do hold near and dear. There is a need to eat more organic and natural foods. This is why I support our local farms, food coops and natural health food stores. I love to share recipes incorporating alternatives. We substitute sugar with organic raw blue agave, organic raw honey, Grade A amber maple syrup, and organic coconut sugar.

We love using Himalayan sea salt, which has so many benefits.


Gluten-free food sources that we enjoy are quinoa, amaranth, millet (these three are actually seeds and not grains) and einkorn (which is your true wheat with 14 chromosomes allowing our body to be able to digest this grain).

Greens, greens, glorious greens… kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, parsnip greens, escarole, (Do you think I love my greens!!! LOL).. Our meals consist of greens with a small helping of grains with some fish, beef or chicken. Greens make me feel vibrant and happy!!!

Which brings me to another piece of the puzzle that I am truly passionate about for health and well-being, specifically Young Living Essential Oils. Many essential oil companies claim they are 100% organic but because of mass production or to mask the true smell of an oil, chemicals are included in the production process. An oil containing only 5% of essential oil can be called 100% pure and organic. True essential oils have been around since before the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Throughout time they were used for healing various issues people were experiencing. In using essential oils, one cannot burn a true essential oil for this will kill the healing properties of that particular oil.

There are three ways which one can use Young Living Essential Oils.
The first method, known as the English method, you can put the oil on topically or massage it diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or sunflower oil. Being a long time user of essential oils, I put it on with or without dilution depending on what oil I am using. There are some exceptions such as the “hot oils”, i.e., Clove, Thieves® Essential Oil Blend, Lemongrass, Black Pepper – just to name a few. Applying oils on the bottom of your feet (known as the roadmap to the organs in your body) is the quickest way for the oils to travel into your internal system. So if you need help to restore brain health, the top of your toes – especially the big toe – represents the nerve endings for your brain. 

The second method, known as the German method, you inhale and diffuse the oil. This method allows the oils to cross over the “blood brain barrier”* penetrating inside the cells to help with nurturing and restoring them.

Dr. David Stewart, PhD - RA

The third method, known as the French method, you inhale, diffuse and internally enjoy the healing properties of essential oils. We enjoy infusing our food and beverages with essential oils, plus we take them in capsules, a drop in coconut or olive oil, a drop on the tongue or lick it from the palm of your hand. I even rub an oil of choice on my gums and inside my mouth to help strengthen my immune system.

The 3 Methods of Using Essential Oils

Young Living Essential Oils has been a life changer for myself, family members and those I have shared them with. D. Gary Young created this global company to bring to consumers pure, therapeutic grade essential oils, oil-infused supplements, personal care products, household products and much more. Please visit this link to learn more about this God-driven individual and how he has created a worldwide community of like-minded people living healthier lives.

What I truly love about Young Living is the transparency of its members to be able to plant, harvest and replant the very plants and trees used to create the essential oils that are available to everyone. During the annual convention, you experience the farm in Mona, UT, get a chance to plant lavender, see the distillery, how they test the oils, package them and ship the products. The planting of lavender is such an incredible experience connecting with God’s nature living plants, planting and seeing how they come to life on the farm. You also visit the headquarters in Lehi, UT. There are winter and spring harvest as well as the replanting phase of these same trees and plants.

A winter harvest is definitely on my bucket list!!!

Well, I thank you for reading through this enewsletter and look forward to sharing more information, tips and pointers how to create Wellness, Purpose and Abundance for Health and Wholeness for you, your family, friends and pets.

Clear the Mind
   Detox the Body
        Live with Ease

Enjoy this God-given day and will reconnect soon.
With Love,
Teresita (Teri) Gorbea
Young Living Member #873784


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on Aroma-T's Health and Wellness Community Page are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this FaceBook Page is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this FaceBook Page.

The information shared is based on personal life experiences for myself, family members, friends and colleagues.
Reliance on any information appearing on Aroma-T's Health and Wellness Community is solely at your own risk.

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